Brackenfield have created their own assessment system to accurately track small steps of progress and to easily identify gaps in knowledge and understanding allowing for more targeted teaching. Now used by over 40 schools!
Kimberley Passarelli - SEND Coordinator
"Following the SEND network meeting the other day, I'm just writing to thank you again for the Brackenfield tracker. We had a full section 5 inspection in November, and one of the inspectors was a SEND specialist. Although we didn't look at data, we did talk about the tracker and how useful it was in tracking the small steps of progress for our children working significantly below age expectations. For us, we felt like FFT was failing these children as they were always just identified as 'B' for below. Now, we are able to show that they are indeed making progress. This seemed to go down well with the inspectors!"
Lucy Hunt – Assistant Head Teacher
“Moving over to this new assessment has enabled us to monitor the attainment and progress of our students across all 3 pathways effectively. Before we had trialled very subject specific means of assessment which did not support the wider needs of pupils. As a school, which ranges from 4-19, we required an assessment tool that could successfully follow their journey throughout the school and identify gaps in learning as well as next steps. The new assessment tool supports us in this and compliments our lateral progress monitoring for all, but particularly the pre-formal learners. Teachers have reported that the assessment tool is user-friendly and they are relieved to be using something that enables 'spiky profiles' to fit to the needs of their students. It has been a real pleasure working with Jess and I am keen to continue our collaboration and work alongside her create a moderation process fit for purpose using this tool.”
Lucy Morton – SENCo
“I have introduced the new assessment system at school today during our INSET and it has been received with great enthusiasm and created quite the excited stir amongst our staff. We are really happy with it, so much better for us as a working document, so thank you so much for sharing your hard work.”
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